Support Us
Donate Online
To make a secure online donation through our PayPal link, please click on the "Donate" button below. After we have received your donation, a confirmation email will be sent to you if you have provided an email address.
Donate by Mail
If you wish to contribute via check, kindly send your donation to the address listed below for the Friends of 10th Street Community Park. If you include your email address within the envelope, we will promptly send you a confirmation acknowledging receipt of your donation.
Friends of the Tenth Street Park
c/o Jim Loucks, Treasurer
1252 10th Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Your support is crucial to us! The Friends of 10th Street Community Park is a non-profit organization run by volunteers and funded by local businesses and residents like you. Your contributions play a vital role in financing park improvements, sustaining its beautiful landscape, maintaining the grounds and recreational areas, and hosting various community events throughout the year. Your financial support empowers the Friends of 10th Street Community Park to keep providing our community with an inviting space all year long.
All contributions to the Friends of 10th Street Community Park are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. The Friends of 10th Street Community Park is an established non-profit 501 (C)(3) organization.
To connect with us about volunteer opportunities, please send us an email at
The Friends of 10th Street Park appreciates your support!